Find Shade at the US Open
I have created a US Open Shade Map to help anyone
find cooler places to watch US Open tennis matches. The overlay illustrates how the sun will shift the shade line inside Arthur Ashe Stadium.
US Open Shade Map
(Ashe Stadium with roof) |
Where to Sit to find the most shade at any Tennis Event
An easy rule of thumb to find shade (or at least a slightly cooler area) is finding the side with the umpire chair. I have sat in many tennis photographers' pits over the years. It can get toasty hot!
The Umpire Chair side is cool!The side with the umpire chair is on the West Side for all US Open tennis courts or stadiums. The rule works as long you don't sit directly behind the chair, which could partially block your view.
As you can see in the illustration, the shade line will slide slowly toward the East over time.
Green = cool. Red = hot. Yellow = partial sun.
North gets AM sun, South-East gets some PM sun.
Moving higher up towards the top under the roof's edges also offers relief away from the sun.
How to take a break in the A/C and enjoy some free snacks!