Fan Review of Rafa Nadal Academy and Summer Camps

Road to Rafa Tour Guide | USA Summer Camps

Rafa Nadal Statue at Stadium Court

I have traveled the "Camino of Clay" across Europe to visit Rafa's homeland.
Showing Rafa fans my own road map. To help every tennis pilgrim find the path.

Barcelona and Mallorca are perfect for young adults!
Highly recommend a Summer in Spain Vacation.

How much for US Open tickets? 4 rules for buying

US Open Tickets - good deal buys

  • Arthur Ashe
    • Valued at ~$200 for weekdays
    • < $150 for nights
    • < $300 for weekends
  • Armstrong
    • Ashe price +/- $50 (good for closer tiered seats, smaller stadium)
  • Grounds Passes
    • Less than Ashe (should be less than any Ashe Tickets - otherwise, just wait)
  • Grandstand
    • Ashe +/- $20 (best for 2nd or 3rd rounds, depends on matchup)

Are ticket prices too high? Should you sell? Ways to "trade" for another stadium?

  • Stick to Ashe Stadium - if you want rain protection insurance with the roof or for a must-see player.
  • If Armstrong or Grandstand are only slightly more expensive, get those instead.
  • With similar prices, it's better to have a quality seat you can use than a cheap pass.
  • Grounds Passes should always be cheaper than Ashe!
The later the purchase, the better the information - but risking higher prices!
If you're not picky, I would get the cheapest ticket. Just being at the US Open is an experience.
Then just wander around the outer 17 courts from match to match!

1) Arthur Ashe Stadium

Good price in 2024 was about $200 for Day Sessions.

Row letters matter!
A-C row letters are worth at least $50 to $100 more. Upper vs Lower Promenade matters.

Middle Rows (M-P)
The middle rows (letters near M-P) might be worth paying $20-$50 more than the lowest price.

The back rows (letters like W, X, Y, Z, or ZZ) often have empty seats as those people generally roam outside, take selfies of the NYC skyline, or lounge around at free perk booths.

Why are Ashe tickets the *safest* tickets to buy?
Short Answer:
  • Ashe is the most flexible option
  • You get Full Access to all the courts
  • A reserved seat in the main stadium
  • You also have a place to shelter inside if it rains
  • Play will continue under its roof, even if outside play is suspended.

Unless there is a specific player and match you want to attend elsewhere, the Arthur Ashe tickets are the safest all-around bet when buying well in advance (before July).

Grounds Pass vs Ashe Ticket
The grounds pass becomes less valuable as more big matches get put on the main stadium. Usually, by week 2, you usually want access to reserved Ashe seats where most key matches are held.

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Ashe is typically slightly more expensive than Grounds Passes. Yet it grants you a reserved seat (very useful if it rains) and allows you into every stadium. Any of the Grounds Passes should cost less.

The strategy is to roam anywhere, knowing you have reserved your seat in Ashe when you want to see your favorite star player play.

The top-seeded fan-favorite players will almost always play there exclusively and often at night.

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The trick is if you decide to get the cheapest Arthur Ashe tickets up in the upper promenade, you DON'T have to stay all day in the nosebleeds section!  Instead, I recommend getting up and checking out the US Open campus outside!

US Open Shade Map for Ashe Stadium and Armstrong

Find Shade at the US Open

I have created a US Open Shade Map to help anyone find cooler places to watch US Open tennis matches. The overlay illustrates how the sun will shift the shade line inside Arthur Ashe Stadium.

US Open Shade Map
(Ashe Stadium with roof)

Where to Sit to find the most shade at any Tennis Event

An easy rule of thumb to find shade (or at least a slightly cooler area) is finding the side with the umpire chair. I have sat in many tennis photographers' pits over the years. It can get toasty hot!

The Umpire Chair side is cool!
The side with the umpire chair is on the West Side for all US Open tennis courts or stadiums. The rule works as long you don't sit directly behind the chair, which could partially block your view.

As you can see in the illustration, the shade line will slide slowly toward the East over time.

Green = cool. Red = hot. Yellow = partial sun.
North gets AM sun, South-East gets some PM sun.

US Open Ashe - Section map of sunny and shaded areas

US Open Fan's tip for shade at Ashe Stadium

Try seats in the main Ashe Stadium (Sections 340 to 324). At the Loge level in Sections 122-136

These will generally be the most shaded areas. They offer cover even while the roof is open.
Moving higher up towards the top under the roof's edges also offers relief away from the sun.

How to take a break in the A/C and enjoy some free snacks!

Chase and Amex offer indoor areas for cardholders - check out our fan tips and review

US Open "Heat Shelter Map". Expect heat indexes into the 90s with Humid Conditions!

Our "heat map" shows you the coolest places to go at the US Open and where to find relief from the sun highlighted in Yellow. Free swag in Purple to help you stay cool. Click the image above for a larger version.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get more US Open insider tips.

Chase and Amex Lounges for shelter from the heat
If you find yourself there around 1-4pm, I would suggest going inside (the shaded parts of Armstrong or Ashe). If you need a refreshment, we suggest going into one of the US Open Lounges.

Note: the Chase Lounge will require an RSVP. The Blue Amex lounge near the Chase center is open to all Amex cardholders and has a lot of kids in it with some A/C. Need a ticket?

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