Coaching Tennis Best Practices for e-learning using 4K video footage

Nick Bollettieri: A lot of times - people don't believe what most coaches say.
"So remember - you learn a lot from Watching, rather than just Talking."
(Coach of Andre Agassi, Jim Courier, Monica Seles)

In Sunday Night Football, you often hear the comment, 'Let's go to the Video!'.
On Monday, those players sit in that room and watch for an hour or two exactly what they did.

Tom Brady was Superbowl MVP at 43 years old.
His Love of film made him a superstar.

5 Best Practices for e-Learning

#1) Freedom to skip around

It's not compulsory to watch every minute straight from Chapter 1 to Chapter 10.

Explore the topics and teachers you find interesting first. Then go back and briefly cover and explore other chapters at least the first few minutes.

Feel free to skip ahead or come back later. Seek the topics that spark the most interest and motivation.

#2) Don't Need to Binge!TopCourt Tennis

Yes, this is not like trying to blast through 5 seasons of a sitcom in one weekend. It's not a race nor a time-limited food buffet to see how many dishes you can stack.

The goal is to understand this stuff and retain it.

  • Watch a few videos, then take a break to reflect. I prefer my 25-minute "sprints".
  • Can you explain what you learned to a peer, in your own words?
  • Sleep on it - let your subconscious review the lessons and ideas overnight before bed.

#3) Learning to Balance the Ratio of Practice-to-Play Time

How to Study Smart is a great youtube video to watch for any student.

  • Aim to learn one or two drills max per session.
  • Practice each drill at least twice during the week.
  • Repeat in your own words the key points first.
  • Go out with a parent, friend, or coach. Demonstrate what you witnessed.
  • When you teach someone else, you reinforce it. Always be a student of the game.
  • Incorporate the new shot with the skill learned from the previous week
Stacking skills - also known as "Interleaved Practice" - is covered more in-depth from this book on teaching.

Make it Stick: the science of successful learning and their website.

I encourage students to pause mid-way through a video.
Create your own mini-intermission to reflect. I watch long movies this way too :)

Try to understand how the pros adjust to different balls (high bounces, short balls, or wide shots).

#4) Watch fast, review slowly - Stories, Drills, Instruction

1st - Skim through the stories and get the overall idea. Play the Stories at 1.5x speed.
2nd - Slow down the key Drills. 0.5x speed for the key sequences, perhaps without sound.
3rd - Watch the Instruction, then go back. Pause and take notes. Resume to explain it and reenact the lesson on the court for maximum effect.

GOAL: Aim to take away the top 1-2 key points from each lesson.


  • What are the basic mechanics?
  • List one good habit to focus on. List one bad habit to avoid.
  • Why is it used? When should you use it?
#5) Have Fun! After struggling with new concepts, try a Points Game or Challenge
Set some progression goals to level up and challenges with friends.

Level 1 - Make 3/10 in a target zone and try for 4/10, etc. Subtract points for unforced errors.

Keep it interesting but yet just challenging enough to keep going and not be bored.

The harder it is to learn something new, usually the better you'll remember it later.

E-Learning Takes Off, Fewer Barriers of Entry

These tips can apply to any online education platform.
Other MOOCs I would also highly recommend:
  • Udemy
  • Khan Academy

Higher Education Quality from Home
Leveraging fully online content delivery. College institutions aim to dissect the 4-year degree in manageable bite-sized chunks of certificates and micro-degrees. Is this the new trend?

Snacking for professional utility, rather than binge-eating to earn full diplomas.

Stanford GSB Executive Education - Micro-courses in Business and Finance tailored for working professionals. Unlike traditional MOOCs, these are enhanced, interactive digital equivalents to Stanford GSB courses. From a week to a quarter long, students can selectively customize their skillsets and education pallet at the class and electives level. - Courses from Harvard and MIT - many are free, and others allow users to earn professional certificates and MicroMaster specialties in a fraction of the time to complete a traditional degree. Plus earn it from anywhere in the World! 
Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world, and industry-leading companies. As a global nonprofit, edX is transforming traditional education, removing the barriers of cost, location and access.

Offering 2000 online courses from 140 leading institutions, edX helps people gain new skills, advance their careers, or learn for fun with courses in computer programming, data science, business, finance, marketing, engineering, language, humanities, science and more. 

TopCourt offers a hybrid learning model for tennis.
Education + Entertainment = "Edu-tainment".

Watch, Learn, Train, Improve your
Tennis from Home in 2021

Stay safe, enjoy tennis, and learn indoors for $15/month.

Distance Learning - the school's schism of 2020

At colleges and schools all around the world - parents and teachers all understand this simple yet inconvenient truth. It affects all students - rich or poor, young or old, from rural to urban - the new classroom format is at home on the kitchen table...for better or worse, we must grow.

Education is shifting to becoming digital, continuous, and largely video-driven.

Digital content will reinforce more screen time.
In turn, we must seek more time outdoors to get unplugged and recharge.
Quality education must now be both engaging and entertaining in TicTock-sized chunks.

In the ocean of digital noise and swipe-left, he who can gather their attention first wins.

We must adapt or risk failing our children's future.
Not one semester, not one year, but one generation.

Seeking the right teachers and offering a patchwork library of content is the key.
Mixing in a digital "spoonful of sugar" is key to helping kids unlock learning while locked down.

Customer Acquisition starts with the big stars and names. Retention and interest are maintained with a campus-wide offering of appealing instruction. All-time classics add the mortar to those bricks.

It has worked for Disney+, Netflix, etc - wow them and then keep them engaged.

Bring them in with Mandalorian and Queen's Gambit.
Intrigue them with awe and diversity with Soul and Tiger King.
Keep them nostalgic for Lion King (live-action) plus Korba Kai season 3.

Advantages of Democratized Education

  1. Learn Anywhere - Social Distance is baked-in. Crowded lecture halls become obsolete.

  2. Dynamic Pacing -  smarter kids can accel at a rapid pace, not held back;
    slower students are not discouraged for not keeping up. Lack of comparison and peer judgment.

  3. Asymmetric Sharing - One Teacher can now deliver personalized 1-on-1 lectures anywhere in the World at any time zone. Sal Khan of Khan Academy: "variable time, fixed outcomes".

  4. Exciting Visuals - Classic topics must be modernized for newer viewers and younger audiences. Fan demand creative camera angles and personalized stories with real characters and emotions.

  5. Scoreboard Challenges and On-Court Games as Tests - Fun, friction-less, and adaptive; knowledge retention should be interwoven and skill checks sprinkled generously. Public participation and replayability in practice are some keys to success.

  6. Digital Badges and Points: Showering rewards for not just the right answer but also for showing the proper reasoning to arrive at those conclusions.

Tips for Teaching with Tech

  1. Speed control - option to skim through chapters at 1.5x-2x speed in the background, or carefully study and replay the last 30 seconds of the key idea. Bookmark and highlight with time markers.

  2. Build Your Own Replays For clarity of understanding, each student should curate content like an editor. Imagine creating a movie trailer for each lecture of only the most important parts.

    Encourage those sharing eureka moments - like reading a great book, we get something new on the 2nd or even the 4th time. Aim to learn one new thing each day.

  3. Freedom of Choice and Voting Kids now get a very democratized menu for learning. They have so much more free unstructured, spare time outside the "core" curriculum.

    How we fill this "idle time" could determine their future more directly than ever before. Off-court or outside school, alternative education plays a much larger factor today. Giving diverse subjects options is a great way for kids to sample new or unrelated categories that might spark their minds.

  4. Boundless Exploration consumption of videos and memes has more than tripled in the last decade. Seamless transition to the next as we shorten intros and credits to squeeze in the next episode.

  5. Breaking the Self-Inertia to Create Habits - Avoiding lazy idleness. Just Do it.  It's not just a Nike slogan anymore. Building routines around actionable knowledge is key.

    Procrastination is sinfully easy now; parents must be responsible gatekeepers. Learning now takes extra diligence at home to prevent their kids from automatically being lured away by all the other digital media vying for their attention.

Overlap the Practices with Match Play

Practice like you play. I recommend spending 15-20 minutes max per set of drills. It can be repeated after a break or a different drill. Do not simply repeat it to a point of exhaustion because your body will not want to repeat it the next day.

The mind must be fresh in order to avoid making sloppy bad habits and one should isolate each step.
The emphasis should be on Deliberate Practice - the pros put in the time during moments of solitude to hone in on very specific aspects whether in the gym, the court, or behind the screen. Outstanding athletes are mentally preparing before they prepare physically for a new challenge.

"Amateurs practice up until they get it right. Professionals keep practicing until they can't get it wrong."

Watch the pros on TopCourt. Each one exercises their craft religiously.

They understand that in order to bring a new pattern into a pro match successfully, they must be able to reliably compete for a living with it on the professional tour.

New tennis exercises need to be run over and over, then combined with old ones. Just like interval and interwoven training, the new is constantly molded with the old. Over enough time, it will blend in with the rest of the routine and workout circuit.

Even a short video gives you a small nugget of knowledge.

The viewer should decide what to watch first, last, or skip altogether.
Not all video clips are created equal. Not all teachers are created equal.

Watch selectively. Practice progressively. Learn passionately.

Mastery requires trial and error

You have to get your hands and feet dirty. You have to get out there on the court and actually create muscle memory in order to put it to use during a match.

Remember these words: "Don't tell me - just show me."

You have to go out to the real world and prove it can be done. It may not need to start on a tennis court. But learning must start with shadowing and rehearsing, or it won't stick.

In all likelihood, with anything challenging, we will not get it the first time.
Most people should go back to review the video (or take it along with them on an iPad or Tablet). Go back and replay it while practicing to get the steps right.

Real development that is lasting requires facing and overcoming adversity.

As a pro tennis instructor, I find it takes several sessions for each lesson to get comfortable for a student. It takes another few to get competent. With continued practice, it may require months to gain true mastery. But it has to be incorporated into your regular cycle of drills.

Two types of reward systems: ones based on success and that on effort.

The students who seek success tend to go for only the low-hanging fruit in order to get praise and rewards, avoiding embarrassment. 

Those students who are praised for strong effort and work ethic will tend to seek greater and greater challenges despite setbacks. Outside of competition, it is clear which players are in it for the league trophy and then there are those out there on the practice courts in the offseason because they love the game and improving.

There is no finish line.

Performance measurements and skill level cutoffs can also be a detriment to promoting a plateauing effect on young children. If a pass/fail system is always used, there is a tendency to do just well enough and then shut down. Real tennis matches require not only reaching the finish line but crossing it with momentum.

Happy Tennis Retirement with Zen and Flow

Tennis players retire by 29, 39, or 69...

To do so happily starts with finding a sustainable Zen relationship with your spending and saving habits.

How you feel about money determines if it flows into your life like water or slips away like sand.

Normally, I keep topics mainly around Tennis. Today I am switching gears to talk about the Mindset of Money. Discovering the real Bargains in Life. This may mean pivoting your skills and experience. Perhaps try a more meaningful 2nd career in your next set.

Many are simply grinding it out.

From freshly-minted pros, long-time coaches, to the countless fans globally struggling with debt or unemployment. Double-digit negative GDPs around the world are the new norm. Most businesses are deep into stagnant recovery or cryogenic freeze mode. The people who are worst off are in the OR/ER rooms waiting for ventilators - a microcosm of the greater health of this planet.

Readers can get off this endless runway. Escape the cycle of student debts and borrowing for large mortgages and loans - only to imprison yourself in a job you don't like, buy the things you don't need, in order to impress people you really don't care about.

One man "SlowMo" seems to have figured it out after trying the traditional path (NYTimes).
John lives right here in San Diego.

Defining what is really "Enough"
Enough purpose to get up each morning;
Enough money to go to bed peacefully at night.

With this platform and audience, I hope that I can help reach some of you who are unhappy or struggling during the lockdown. Both tennis professionals and fans alike are affected. Keeping Fit in multiple dimensions: your wallet, your body, but also the health of your mind.

I am going to introduce a very inspiring book and audiobook I found during these difficult times. It is called Happy Money (and you can peek at this short youtube intro).

Blogger Financial Samurai also wrote a great article last week about the mindset: How to Feel Rich even if you Can't Get Rich.

Happy Money - the EQ of Money

This life-changing book I want to share is called:
Happy Money, by Ken Honda

A jolly, round face man - Ken's quiet, disarming demeanor may fool some about his real wealth, but he is definitely a guru on the EQ and IQ of money.

Think of him as the Marie Kondo of Money Flow - instead of tidying up your room, Happy Money seeks to help you tidy up your cash and enjoy the way you feel about what you have.

The goal is to make "happy little millionaires" - with the emphasis on happy - not millionaires.

Thank you, money in. Thank you, money out.

It is all about appreciating and using the money to spark and accept positive energy - in and out. Very much a "wax on, wax off" approach for this gratitude cycle. In fact, he suggests viewing money as a form of Energy.

Sure, it will pay bills and buy food - but more importantly, it is our psychology with money that shapes our mood. It has helped me, and hope that it will help you too! (more below)

Son of Immigrants and Refugees

Growing up with struggling parents who came to escape from war-ravaged Vietnam and desperate poverty in South East Asia, the mindset travels with them to find ends meet. It is the son of a refugee that shares this verse now. I grew up poor with struggling parents who had no choice but to create their own business because their English and high school education was not good enough to be hired for any "normal" white-collar job as 1st-gen immigrants. So I only offer my own perspective. There are hundreds of thousands far worse off than me that have perished.

Countless lives and grandparents who had their retirement dreams ahead of them were dashed in the past couple of recessions. Millenniums never got up to speed in the job market, weighed down by student debt, beaten down with poor job options. Some 65+ retirees never lived to see that day when they could travel to their dream vacation they had saved up their entire life.

The Pixar movie, Up, is the memory that pops up in my head of the old man who lived in the little house with his wife to save up for their dream life while the world kept building around him.

You know someone, and maybe it is you, that strives to make it up there to Paradise Falls.

We owe it to those who were lost or left behind in America, to help get their dream to the peak. Maybe with just a few colorful balloons, we do our part.

But I say to those who have dared and dreamed and toiled before you - even one small person has the chance to lift them up. Guide them with support, and we get there together.

Having bucket lists is not enough - dreams are so fleeting if not pursued with passion and urgency.

We struggle and save our whole life to fulfill that promise - to our children, to a better life for family, to justify our pain of past sacrifices for the promise of a new brighter tomorrow: Annie's song.

2020 shows us that all the preparation in the world can sometimes go right out the window. Well-crafted and planned futures. Only to be stolen by this invisible cloud of virality and fear.

So I urge my reader to consider this idea:

The far worse crime is to have never lived - to never have started/grown/shared something new with the World - in a sheltered existence of timidity

We face the reality of difficult times:

Life is always uncertain.
The Climb is always daunting
Dangers approach us around the corners.

But each day, we must remind ourselves that we are getting one day closer to the Summit. Challenges become experiences that become Storied Legends to the future generations - we just have to keep one step in front of the other, moving forward and remembering: "this too shall pass".

Origin Story was founded around the last great recession just over a decade ago. Times were tough then too, just as they have been before in this country. With many out of work, the economy in shambles - tennis was on the verge of uncertain collapse or starvation.

I realized that over the last decade, even this one website has helped many. In the past, I measured success by how many thousands of tennis ball cans sold, thousands of hours of tennis instruction shared, and thousands of US Open fan memories made possible every year...but even in this lost year of tennis, I make it count by keeping my true fans happy - that is lasting Wealth.

This very website is evidence that great things can be borne during a pivot year.
Indeed the sport itself endured - yes, even thrived in the darkest hours of the last Great Recession.
We all take a collective deep dive in 2020 holding our breathe underneath dark waters, but America has and will once again resurface stronger.

There is Hope ahead, as there was in 2008-2009.
Out of any period of darkness, you can still find a gem of light

With all that I can do to support folks in saving extra dough and exercise more - I feel it still does not address the larger epidemic that now looms against society today. I write this piece in hopes to address this larger problem of 2020 and hope it brings you (even just one reader) some peace of mind.

The Donut King (2020) is a perfect movie encapsulation of my own Asian-American latchkey kid childhood with constantly working immigrant entrepreneur parents. I believe old-fashion Grit and determination with healthy portions of hard work will still override talent and money in almost any generation. I have found that steadiness and consistency will always win out over risky shots over the long run - in tennis and in life.

The idea of "Having Enough"

With relationships past and present, we seek to build up good connections - ones at the core which are tied to truly kindred spirits. Linked to help each other grow.

It is also about quickly spotting the "transactional" friends - ones that will trade with you and accept money for goods and services. Beware of how they behave when their "free lunch" is over. The nice words and token acts might be a scam to lower your guard.

It is easy to get anyone to ride with you in the Limo, but it is more telling to see who is willing to ride with you on the Bus. I want to credit that quote to Oprah.

In tennis, they are happy to partake in your free drinks, hospitality, and private tennis courts - but they quickly scurry away like cockroaches when the cake is gone and there are signs of trouble on the horizon. There is too much FOMO and living the YOLO lifestyle these days. Hopping from one extravagant event or life-forgetting binge to another. The hedonic treadmill for some doesn't stop until it crashes.

Attraction to shallow intoxication from life in the form of substance addiction. Fortunately, this lifestyle has never appealed to me as an introvert - I guess I am an exception when you look on TV. In fact, the nature of marketing and being in sales online, one would think requires a very extroverted and gregarious personality. Ironically, I do not in fact possess these traits.

Grow Rich (with Peace of Mind), by Napolean Hill, is the variation of the popular title I recommend.

The concept of having "enough" is one that almost everyone I know struggles to identify. We get caught in the excesses of consumerism - trying to buy our way into Happiness. It does work, it doesn't last. We try to get higher-paying salaries to keep up with the Joneses - only to discover higher maintenance costs with our upgraded homes or cars, with bigger toys and possessions.

Right along with our spouses and children, we get spun into this vicious loop. Kids will come home and feel cheated because they didn't get a new cell phone as nice as their friends. Human nature puts us in this mode by default, if we aren't careful, it is a slippery slope down ahead.

Experiences and self-discovery

Lasting, memorable, positive experiences. Possessions and toys have that nice new-car smell, but it fades too quick. Objects by nature break and disintegrate over time. You pay to repair or replace them constantly otherwise you feel huge loss aversion for suddenly being without that gift that gave you the highest high.

Experiences, learning, growing in a new or old path - is the much more sustainable route. I urge travel (when it is safe again) not to simply displace distances and traverse oceans. But instead, seek the culture, the history, the stories. - my tennis travel blog
It is what we learn and can convey to the Future World that makes our travel valuable and limitless in the possibility for the next exploration. Seeking the next Summit this way is a journey, not a destination.

You cannot buy your way into Adventure

Owning a new Tesla did not and will not give you a rich life. You simply inherit another shiny box with 4 wheels - now zipping around in a much nicer electric box with bulletproof windows. Similarly, the GoPro does not come with built-in skydiving and scuba-diving. That 4K drone does not automatically transport you to the beautiful sunset or perfect waterfall. You gotta get out there!

Life's precious moments are not included in the price of admission.

Money is just one type of fuel


Get out there and find your heart's true Passion, my friend.


Live for what makes you, not what others want to make of you.

Real Adventure starts once your planning ends.

Stay safe, be happy, live well.

- JC

PS: For more help to start making your retirement map, with some humor and fun -
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
: (Retirement Wisdom That You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor)

USPTA Pro Reviews: TopCourt vs TheSkills vs MasterClass vs Udemdy

Watching Tennis Lessons from Tennis Legends

Online and streaming entertainment may become the super glue that holds tennis fans over this long Winter. The Australian Open and ATP Cup have been pushed back to Feb. Indian Wells has postponed after March. Will we see Top 10 Tennis in the USA before Miami?

After spending many hours over several weeks watching the latest online streaming tennis, here's this month's breakdown for each platform's pros and cons below. Opinions expressed are purely that of this site alone - which do not necessarily reflect those of the USPTA.

Even with inflation, TopCourt is still only $15/month. Now it has over 50 pro players.

The depth of the academy grows as they add more star-studded talents each month. Filming for the next season has recently wrapped in Florida.

My Favorite Streaming List and Favorite Shows:
  • Disney+ (The Mandalorian)
  • Netflix (Queen's Gambit)
  • CBS (Young Sheldon, Amazing Race)
When it comes to the "Marvel Universe vs DC Comics debate" - we're a solid Marvel fan, so your miles may vary with your superstars. Fans should compare TopCourt for free then you be the final judge!

Tennis Streaming Showdown Competition - Round 2

To give our tennis fans a full comparison, we reviewed nearly all the other major online platforms each month that feature tennis video packages. Some legends who have a large fan base created their own video products. Free previews with a money-back guarantee.

TheSkills - Maria Sharapova

Topics: Warmups, Drills, and Mental Toughness
Length: 20 chapter lessons, 1.5 hours
Skill Level: Intermediate (3.0-3.5+)
Coach's Rating: B+

Pros: You learn a lot about Maria and her life, mindset, and strategies. Solid warm-up routines. Good suggestions for tweaking certain shots and key focus points. Her monologues are clear.

Cons: Costs more ($69?) for just her one course alone?! Wait for a sale or promo. Players must have all core shots in their bag to get the most out of this series. The vast majority of the videos feature her personal reflections on her own career.

We recommend Maria fans to try the 7-day free trial offer with the All-Access package. Try the other sports stars' commentary. The multi-sport pros give good pep talks to motivate home athletes. For me, it's still too new and needs more talent in the lineup to compete effectively at this price.

MasterClass - Serena Williams

Topics: Fundamentals and Technique
Length: 9 chapter lessons, 2 hours
Skill Level: Beginner to intermediate (2.5-3.0+)
Coach's Rating: B

Pros: Great Filming, lighting; In-depth narrative; Beginner-friendly. MasterClass packages a wide range of (non-tennis) topics and subjects with gurus of their own craft.

Cons: Focuses heavily on one stroke - the serve. Basic tennis advice.
The student's ability to get video critique and peer review period is over;

Note: We found TopCourt's Gold membership has many interactive features. Gold students get access to many more tennis pros for Q&A, plus even a chance to attend future live filming events.

Udemy - Andre Agassi Academy

Topics: All Strokes and Player's Mindset
Length: 10 chapters, 1 hour
Skill Level: Intermediate to advance (4.0+)
Coach's Rating: A-

Pros: Love Agassi's lectures; great stories and clean format. Invaluable tips for the tournament players; Udemy certificate included; lifetime access for review. Only ~$15 on sale. I support his efforts as a proponent of education and would recommend his course.

Agassi's bestseller autobiography "Open" is my definitive must-read. Vital if you want to deeply understand the life of any tennis pro.

Cons: Limited angles; the video quality is limited to only 1080p. Students should be familiar with tennis basics and fundamentals before starting. About one hour's worth of content - I really wish there was a sequel.

TopCourt gets A-Team with their Champions and Coaches 

ATP and WTA heroes are joining the TopCourt team lineup for 2021 including Karen Khachanov, Madison Keys, and Kyle Edmund.

WTA Triple Threat of Former World #1's:
Venus Williams, Chris Evert, and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario.
Each with at least two dozen grand slams in their careers

Hall of Famer Nick Bollettieri (coach of Agassi, Courier, and Seles) joins the ranks with Paul Annacone and Brad Gilbert. Stacking a century's worth of tennis wisdom, they have guided several strong talents into the path to becoming future world champions.

TopCourt Revisited, 6 months later - areas for improvement?

Perhaps they now have too much content?!

Like Netflix, you won't be able to easily digest it in just a few sessions.

It now has a library of over a hundred episodes, while revealing about two more players each month.

Narrowing the field might have to come in the future. In some episodes and interviews, I skipped over because of my difficulty with a few player's accents. Currently, it has a large Pickleball library of players, another sport added to the fray.

TopCourt recently added new sections called "Top Picks" (recommendations) and "Trending" (popular). Here is what I recommend as our starter video pack of episode picks from TopCourt.

Our Wish List features for tennis enthusiasts:
  • A voice-over replay explaining a player's technique while he/she is hitting in slow motion.
  • Pros rallying full speed against each other in live points. Play analysis by TopCourt coaches.
  • Visual cues to pick out the one truly excellent shot example from all the other good ones.
  • Feedback Mechanism: a rating system to allow fans to give "likes" at favorite video keyframes.
TopCourt's growth is the most comprehensive and promising out of all the platforms screened to date. There is a lot of value to a solid team and building a strong, well-balanced group of players. It's the chance to display the player's own authentic self while offering budding talent the opportunity to build a bigger fan base online.

Best of all, TopCourt still offers our free 14-day trial to test it out, so try it today!
We're eager to see new upcoming updates, and players, and share our opinion here in the next round.

Honorable Mentions

YouTube Tennis Channels

YouTube is great for watching highlights and replays. But it's a mixed bag when it comes to quality lessons and developing your own tennis game properly.

Some YouTube channels I enjoyed:
The Wild West of tennis content.
Everyone has their own ideas and style. There is a lot plenty of "click-bait," and often lessons are over-simplified into single 3-5 min videos with flashy titles. Still, the quality of content has a very wide gap and some ideas need to be more concise.

The negative is that you might learn the wrong technique or make bad assumptions if you try to learn purely from YouTube. Recording yourself and doing a visual comparison with a pro is recommended.

TopCourt Membership plus our Sign-up Bonus

Get our special TopCourt - US Open Offers

Each year, we give out Amazon e-Gift cards for those who sign up below.

Sign Up for TopCourt with us and earn an Amazon e-Gift card 


  • $20 gift cards for basic members
  • Autographed Tennis Ball from a TopCourt Star
  • $60 gift cards for VIP Gold memberships

We also provide signed Tennis Balls to lucky fans who sign up. Only a few balls remaining.

TopCourt - the Netflix of Tennis

As a member using TopCourt for a few months now, I'm pretty sure you will enjoy it too as a tennis fan. It is instructional while entertaining. Makes for a great documentary about the sport of tennis.

Recently we watched our retired heroes the Bryan Brothers and Lindsay Davenport sharing their digital memoirs and American tennis memories over the years - from the Olympics to the Grand Slams.

Each month, they reward the top customer referral with a bonus. So as a thank you for all the support, I'm just spreading the love and reinvesting it back to our fans with my own Amazon e-Gift cards. The goal is to grow and improve this platform and become the on-demand Netflix of Tennis.

Bring the US Open drills, stories, and pros to you.

Motto: Stay home, be safe, and enjoy TopCourt.

Register with our Free 14-day Trial of TopCourt

60+ Pros teaching the game. Many of them you've seen play. A few you will hear about later!

  • Break free and enjoy some great lessons, insightful stories, and high-quality videos
  • Now is the chance to stretch those legs and bring out your tennis racket again.
  • A fantastic cast of professional players is here to guide and inspire you right from home.
  • Learn and practice tennis safely for kids, juniors, and adults.
  • Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19 with every minute you watch.
Learn each Pro's skill shots with instruction (mini-courses):

TopCourt August Updates

- Closed Captioning now available
- 4K Streaming of entire chapters from any device.
- Coaches of former #1 players team up with the young guns (Brad Gilbert with Genie Bouchard)
- Bring the pro drills onto your home court via iPad or Tablet.

Price: $180 / year for the Basic Membership.

You get hours of tennis content with one full year of access.
This is cheaper than 3 hours of private lessons.

Quick comparison, I charge $65/hr as a tennis teacher. Simply learning and practicing how to serve alone can take longer than 3 hours. The vast library of pros is outstanding. Watch as little or as much as you want. Watch it when you want, where you want. Pause, play, repeat.

Check out the Pro Tennis community support behind TopCourt!

TopCourt Academy is loaded with tennis pros, lined up to teach you 1on1 on TopCourt...

Summer is here. Tennis is back for 2020.

ATP 2020 revised calendar

8/14 Update:
Rome is shifted earlier one week. European season starts immediately after US Open. Asian tour events have been canceled. French Open for allowing fans will be pending.

7/21 Update:
Citi Open in DC has announced it has to cancel. Just one week after the WTA decided it had to split from the main event location. All eyes are now on NYC and the US Open. Will new global travel restrictions and recent spikes of COVID-19 cases hamper efforts with 1 month to go?


Welcome back. It's now officially the Summer of 2020. What a strange time these last 3 months!

The (Tennis) World has been in a cryogenic state of suspended animation. It has been a very tough time and I am sure we're all excited to know when we can thaw out (safely and fully, of course)!

Our last grand slam of the year, the US Open, is now going to be the second calendar grand slam with the French Open happening afterward in the Autumn. Each day/week, the Tournament Plans and Procedures are still in flux as we count down towards 2 months before our beloved US Open.

Breaking News about US Open
We are receiving news every week about how the US Open will be special this year for both the players and the event.

Please subscribe for 2020 US Open news about the latest news, unique VIP fan experience offers and discounts for fans spectating this year's US Open! 

The new, abbreviated US Open Series calendar is now:
  • 3 Weeks of tennis on hard courts with both Men and Women completing:
    • Citi Open at Washington DC on Aug 13-21
    • Cincy Open relocated to NYC on Aug 22-29
    • US Open happening Aug 31-Sept 13.
For now, there will be a "no fans" plan in place for these tournaments.
The Citi Open in DC has said that as conditions evolve in Washington, they may allow for "limited fans" to attend. The events in Europe are also in a wait-and-see mode to follow their local safety guidelines.

Citi Open - 1st Pro Tennis Officially Restarts in 2020
Since many ATP/WTA players have not played a single professional match in over 3-4 months, there is a higher chance that some higher ranked players who are serious about winning a US Open title will be in attendance at this warmup event. This would be just 2 weeks before the US Open grand slam starts and it is more likely this year that we will see a first-time grand slam champion crowned.

Please subscribe to our DC Citi Open email newsletter if you want inside info about our US Open 2020 preview and on how to get VIP tickets (if and when they become first available).

The Top 3 - missing or postponing?
Roger Federer had another knee surgery and will be out for the rest of 2020. Rafael Nadal might be hesitant to play on the hard courts if the clay-court season is starting immediately after the US Open in Europe. Novak Djokovic has expressed his reluctance to attend. He recently had to end the Adria Tour (the event's Final was canceled and the last 2 stops were canceled). Several players, including Novak were diagnosed with Covid-19. A lack of social distancing and safety protocols during the event were blamed for the spread.

Safety questions on how to create a "Tier 1 inner bubble" at the "US Open World"
In order to make up for over 50% of the annual budget income missing for having live fans at the US Open with tickets, the USTA will need to be very creative about how it generates revenue. New US Open changes have been explained in last week's video but updates will be in flux. It sounds like mandatory testing will be conducted for anyone prior to entering the US Open grounds.

Updates will be posted here as more tennis news comes in over the next couple of months. Please subscribe for 2020 US Open news updates here.

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